Wednesday 2 December 2009


The Paris screening was great! I spent 36 hours in Paris on 2 hours sleep in total!

Thanks to everyone that came out to screening, I met so many great people!

Thanks to Jessica Boukris from Nike for hosting it and Laura for helping to organise it!

The space was sick and projection was great!

Stolen photos via Nothing But Daily Poetry

Also in Paris i went to see the Where the Wild things premiere with my friend Guillaume who runs Clark Magazine.

Then we interviewed Spike Jonze the next day! A dream come true. HE IS AMAZING.

New Nails x

Tyler was in Paris. We rode to Gare du Nord at 5.45 with no sleep.... London Screeing was the next day... ouch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AAAHHHHH!!! awesome!!!! spike jonze too?! SHIIIITTTTT!